Thursday 3 April 2014

Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine

You can now enjoy the voice of virtual diva, Hatsune Miku, right at the palm of your hands thanks to Gakken and science magazine Otona no Kagaku as the Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku was released in Akihabara yesterday, April 2, 2014, a day ahead of its April 3, 2014 release.

102 500x500 Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine 103 500x500 Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine

The Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku features nine buttons and is played with a touch stylus keyboard. It has three modes namely the “do-re-mi”, the “a, i, u, e, o”  which is also known as the vowel mode, and the preset mode which allows you to input data into the device via a USB. However, you cannot export data from the device into a PC.

107 Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine 108 Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine 109 Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine 110 Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine

This “Pocket Miku” was jointly developed by Crypton Future Media and Yamaha and is bundled along with an issue of Otona no Kagaku magazine. It uses a Yamaha LSI NSX-1 Sound Generator and runs on three (3) AAA batteries which are sold separately. It also comes with a user’s manual which is in Japanese.

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It is still available online through websites like Hobby Link Japan for 4,980 yen. also has another Miku musical device - an electric piano.

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Source: Akiba Blog

Gakken releases Sing Keyboard Pocket Miku along with Otona no Kagaku magazine

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