Monday 2 September 2013

Free!, Gintama, Attack on Titan and more featured in toast and cookie artworks

Toast, the much under-appreciated hero of the breakfast table has often been considered plain and boring by most people. However, an artist known as HTMY has been dishing out some delicious-looking treats straight from her toaster.

Using plain old white bread as a canvass, HTMY has certainly made some rather scrumptious artworks. These artworks feature a variety of anime series, most notably Gintama, UtaPri, Bleach, and recent anime hits Attack on Titan and Free! 

HTMY used vegetable powder as paint to complete these toasty artworks.

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If that’s not enough, HTMY also makes use of cookies as a canvass for the various anime artworks she does, in fact, most of the anime artwork she does are made on cookies. Like her toast art, she uses vegetable powder as a natural and edible paint for these sugary anime treats.

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As a trained pastry chef myself, I have to admit that what she does is tricky. Putting those details on food that may absorb the medium you are using requires a lot of concentration.

You can check out more of her amazing and delicious anime artworks on her twitter page (in Japanese).

Read more on anime-themed food here on SGCafeAlso join in on the community’s discussions at

Free!, Gintama, Attack on Titan and more featured in toast and cookie artworks

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