Thursday 5 September 2013

Silver Spoon goes to the horse races

Without a doubt, the hit anime series Silver Spoon has a great affinity with animals… even if most of the animals in the anime tend to wind up as dinner.

The anime also has a huge affiliation with equestrian sports, especially Ban’ei horse racing as main characters Yugo Hachiken and Aki Mikage are both members of the Oezo Agricultural High School Equestrian Club and Aki’s family is highly involved with Ban’ei horse racing.

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Now, Silver Spoon’s official website has announced that they will be doing a collaboration with Tokyo City Keiba (Ohi racetrack) and it includes an appearance by Hachiken and Aki’s voice actors in the racetrack. Ryohei Kimura who voices Hachiken and Marie Miyake who voices Aki will be appearing for a talk show in Tokyo City Keiba on September 16.

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The anime will also be sponsoring a couple of races held in the venue which includes a Ban’ei race. The collaboration also aims to hold a stamp rally which features some limited Ohi racecourse stamps. There will also be a special Silver Spoon X Ban’ei Tokachi raching exhibition and a drought horse petting corner.

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Ban’ei racing is a unique form of horse racing unique to the Tokachi area of Hokkaido and it involves drought horses pulling heavy weighted carts. The race is slow-paced and it usually involves the horse’s strength rather than speed. This form of racing was highlighted in the anime adaptation of Silver Spoon.

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Via Animate and Silver Spoon official website

Silver Spoon goes to the horse races

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