Saturday 16 August 2014

How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out

Pokemon has already become a staple for Nintendo 3DS, and with another monster based series like Monster Hunter also becoming a staple for the handheld console, many fans are speculating what might happen if these two were to be combined. One artist however sought to find out with his own artworks.

qgakfud3s7owyfqp8n0v 500x338 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out

Deviant artist Arvalis has made some pretty nifty Pokemon which truly give you a very Monster Hunter feel. Check some of them out. Here’s Charizard and its two Mega Evolutions

pokemonster hunter charizard by arvalis d79a3u7 500x219 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out

He’s also done realistic impressions of them, here’s his impression of Lugia

lugia by arvalis d7i45hq 500x413 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out

There are others and they could pretty much pass for the creatures in Monster Hunter as well.

arcanine by arvalis d5oz5iy 496x500 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out feraligatr by arvalis d6q14zh 500x326 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out flygon by arvalis d63mpy6 500x291 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out giratina by arvalis d6y203m 500x341 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out groudon by arvalis d5shgr0 500x244 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out meganium by arvalis d6wfo5g 500x327 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out nidoking by arvalis d5e01yw 500x300 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out aero 1 500x327 How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out

What do you guys think of these Pokemon? Do you prefer them or the original ones?

For more information on Pokemon, check out SGCafe’s previous coverage on the games here.

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Source: Arvalis via Kotaku

How would Pokemon look like if they were part of Monster Hunter? One artist finds out

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