Monday 2 September 2013

STGCC Day 2 (September 1): The cosplay report

On Day 2 (Sunday, September 1) of the Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention, I could not spend as much time trawling Hall A of the Sands Expo & Convention Center – where the cosplayers were hanging out and showing hobbyist photographers what they (and their costumes) are made of – as I did on Day 1.

So I didn’t take photos of as many cosplayers on Day 2. But there’s a reason for that – which you’ll find out later today when we’ve published more of our STGCC coverage.

Until then, I hope you’ll enjoy looking at the photos in the gallery below as much as I’ve enjoyed shooting these cosplayers.

And remember: there’s a lot more STGCC cosplay photos to look at over at the SGCafe forums, where members of our community have kindly shared their photography hauls for all to admire.

On Saturday there were only two STGCC cosplay photo threads in the forums, so it was easy to mention both of them.

But now that everyone’s had more time to process their photos, there are a lot more threads.

So I’ll just mention the ones I really enjoyed looking at (i.e. folks who bothered to attach pictures in the thread): blazin, LoneReaction, vincentsan, halepuppy. Great photos, everyone! Thanks for sharing!

Read more Cosplay stories here on SGCafe:

More STGCC stories here on SGCafe:

Also join in on the community’s discussions at

STGCC Day 2 (September 1): The cosplay report

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