Sunday 24 May 2015

Digimon fans petition to change the character design for Digimon Adventure Tri.

It is clear that Digimon fans are greatly divided when it comes to Digimon Adventure Tri.’s official character designs a many of them are very unhappy with it while others find the new mature look a bit refreshing.


Because many fans are unhappy with the new designs made by Atsuya Uki, some of them have made an online petition in to “improve” or change the character designs to make it look much more like the original Digimon Adventure 01 designs. Several fans have already made their own versions of the character designs as they were not satisfied with the official ones.


The petition is directed towards Toei Animation, which produces all the Digimon anime, to change the character designs and remove Atsuya Uki as the character designer. This new petition against the Uki designs needs 1,500 signatures and as of writing, it is currently at 1,310. The petition can be signed through this link

However, despite all of this, there are still many fans who find the Uki character designs to be good and do not mind the differences with the original. Some have even praised the new designs as they find that they really make the Digidestined look older.

Digimon Adventure Tri. will not be a TV anime as originally planned but a 6-part movie series. The first part to this now-anime movie series will premiere in Japan on November 29, 2015 and it will be fittingly titled Saikai, which means Reunion in Japanese.

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Digimon fans petition to change the character design for Digimon Adventure Tri.

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