Thursday 1 May 2014

Love Live! campaign begins at Lawson; passionate fans stampede to stores

Lawson is a big convenience store chain, and it’s always exciting when they collaborate with a hot anime. When 999 sandwiches disappear from a single store, however, you know there’s something funny going on.

Lawson’s campaign with the anime Love Live! started on Tuesday, and they offered goodies like penlights and clear files for people who bought items at their stores. In addition, they sold limited edition lunch packs, each containing an egg sandwich and tuna sandwich.

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It’s a typical list of goods for one of their collaborations, but Love Livers are passionate fans who literally bought out tickets for μ’s’ past two concerts. Lawson knew this, which is why one store crammed the shelves with 999 lunch packs.

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That’s a bit overboard, don’t you think? Even if the Japanese like items with pictures of cute anime characters on them, there’s no way a single store can sell 999 lunch packs.

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On another note, each Lawson store also featured a Love Live! itasha.

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This all goes to show that you should never underestimate Love Livers.

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On a side note, Love Livers are stampeding to Cure Maid Cafe’s collaborative cafe, too.

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Source: seiyu fan 1, 2

Love Live! campaign begins at Lawson; passionate fans stampede to stores

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