Wednesday 2 April 2014

Phantasy Star Online 2 English (Asiasoft) to feature full Japanese voices; we"re giving out closed beta keys tomorrow

 full japanese voices 640x334 Phantasy Star Online 2 English (Asiasoft) to feature full Japanese voices; were giving out closed beta keys tomorrow

MMO publisher Asiasoft, who is publishing Phantasy Star Online 2 English in six Southeast Asian countries this year, has confirmed with SGCafe that the English localised version will feature full Japanese voice-overs — which should be a sigh of relief for many of our readers.

On top of that, Asiasoft has also announced recently that a closed beta for the Asian English version of Phantasy Star Online 2 will take place next week, from April 10 to 13.

When we first shared the news regarding the English PSO2 closed beta test on our Facebook page, many of you wrote in and told us your concerns about the game — we’re currently trying to get some answers from Asiasoft to address those concerns.

SGCafe will be giving out several hundred keys for the closed beta test tomorrow (April 3, 2014 Singapore/Japan/Asia timezones).

We will announce the giveaway contest tomorrow first on Twitter (@SGCafe), before sharing the news on our Facebook page. So make sure to follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our RSS feed if you’d like to be the first to know.

To participate in the PSO2 closed beta key giveaway, you will need to:

  1. Leave a comment in our giveaway contest post tomorrow, telling us you’d like a key , and

  2. Follow us on Twitter (@SGCafe)

  3. Email karbyp at gmail dot com with your Twitter username AND a screenshot of your comment for confirmation.

I hope you’re as excited about the Phantasy Star Online 2 English closed beta as I am! See you on the PSO2 servers!

Phantasy Star Online 2 English (Asiasoft) to feature full Japanese voices; we"re giving out closed beta keys tomorrow

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