Monday 21 October 2013

Madoka Magica X Monogatari collaboration ads seen in the wilds of Shinjuku station

A collaboration between NisOisin’s Monogatari series and Gen Urobuchi’s Madoka Magica? What could go wrong with that? Right?

This not-so unlikely collaboration between two series written by writers known for killing off beloved characters is the result of an ad campaign to promote both the upcoming Madoka Magica: The Rebellion Story movie as well as the release of the Nekomonogatari (Shiro) DVD/ BluRay.

These digital ads were placed in both Shinjuku station and in Akihabara. Made by ad company J · AD Vision, they change screens every 15 seconds showing a different image every time.  The first screen shows the Madoka ad as well a super deformed Karen Araragi, the second screen shows the Monogatari ad and a super deformed Tsukihi Araragi and the third screen shows both series as well as the super deformed versions of the fire sisters Tsukihi and Karen Araragi, Sayaka Miki and Kyuubey.

The ads seen below are seen near the east exit of Shinjuku station.

1 20131021231118093 374x500 3 201310212311155a3 374x500 20131021231910973 374x500

The Nekomonogatari (Shiro) DVD/BluRay will be released on October 23, 2013 while the third Madoka movie, The Rebellion Story will hit Japanese cinemas on October 26, 2013.

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Via Monogatari series official website and images via Yaraon!

Madoka Magica X Monogatari collaboration ads seen in the wilds of Shinjuku station

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