Wednesday 14 August 2013

Exclusive Interview with Studio Madhouse & MAPPA"s Masao Maruyama [Otakon 2013]

After a long weekend at Otakon, MAPPA’s Masao Maruyama (Paprika, New Kid’s on the Slope) sat down with us to talk about the past and future of potential projects, rotoscope, and his thoughts on crowdsourcing platforms like Kickstarter.

Masao Maruyama previously headed MADHOUSE and helped produced famous works like Paprika and Tokyo Godfather’s alongside Satoshi Kon.

A producer who’s always willing to try new things, he’s also served as producer on a vast number of anime. Last year he debuted his new studio MAPAA with Kids on the Slope and continues to be involved with it. On Otakon’s final day, we had a chance to sit down and ask him some questions about what he thinks about some of the anime going on today.

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Aku no Hana recently used rotoscope to animate a serial anime. Is that something you think could be utilized in the future at MAPPA as well?

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It takes a lot of time and money to make something like that. While I would like to try and do something like that the resources aren’t there. As a producer and director, although it would certainly be difficult to do so, it’s something I would like to try.

If you had to pick something serious to rotoscope would it be something serious, or something more light-hearted?

Although I would like to do something light hearted, Aku no Hana is succeeding the way it is right now. To do something light hearted would depend upon the director.

What do you think of crowdsourcing sites like Kickstarter and Anipipo?

I personally think it’s a very good attempt. I see lots of possibility with it, and would really like to see it succeed more in the future.

If you were to do something like that, would you like to see fans help you back something like Pluto or complete Satoshi Kon’s Dream Machine?

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I really hope it will, but right now the success we’re seeing with Kickstarter and crowdsourcing attempts are not as much as would be needed to see Pluto or Dream Machine. I hope that it’s something that could grow in the future. With the site, if it was that people would be able to wait until crowdsourcing sites built enough funds for something like Pluto and Dream Machine it’s possible. If people have patience, then maybe it’s something that could happen on crowdsourcing sites.

What sort of work is MAPAA currently involved in?

We’re currently preparing many, but we can’t tell you any due to contracts with producers. Starting next year we will release information on them, so please keep an ear out.

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Exclusive Interview with Studio Madhouse & MAPPA"s Masao Maruyama [Otakon 2013]

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