Sunday 8 January 2017

Yuri!! on Ice fans angered by new Hallmark show because they thought it was a rip-off

Yuri!! on Ice was definitely one of last year’s hottest anime, and fans are still talking about it. The anime has gotten a strong fan following, and many would go on to defend the anime from any basher. However, when American cable channel, Hallmark, decided to release an ice skating romance drama titled Love on Ice, Yuri!! on Ice fans got… TRIGGERED.

According to Kotaku, fans called Love on Ice a “whitewashed” and “homophobic” Yuri on Ice rip-off. Many really did think that Love on Ice was copying the anime as the made-for-TV-movie is about a female skater who falls in love with her male coach.

According to Kotaku:

Its description reads, “Former figure skating champion. . . gets an improbable shot to reclaim skating glory when a young coach sees greatness in her. Together, they find their love of skating goes far beyond the ice.” Its IMBD page has existed since August, 2015. The novel it’s based off was published in 2009.

This sounds a lot like the plot for Yuri!! on ice according to fans. The anime centered on the relationship between a male skater and his coach. This may not really be a truly yaoi plot, but in the eyes of many fans, it might as well be, and Love on Ice’s plot really sounds like the anime’s plot as Both stories feature that skater-coach relationship.

Fans signed a petition last 2nd January. They demanded that the Hallmark Channel take down Love on Ice. The petition reads “It is obvious that Hallmark is making a movie very similar to the hit anime, ‘Yuri On Ice’ created by Mitsurou Kubo.”

However, one representative from Hallmark said that they really have no idea what the anime is all about and haven’t even heard of the anime. This prompted series creator, Mitsurou Kubo, to tell fans to calm down. In a tweet, Kubou told fans  that she doesn’t believe Love on Ice is a rip-off. She said “With more evidence I received, I don’t believe that, no.”

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Source: Kotaku

Yuri!! on Ice fans angered by new Hallmark show because they thought it was a rip-off

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